"Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself where she may have her young, a place near your altar, O Lord almighty my King and my God."   Psalm 84:3

Welcome to the Wesley Chapel Church Nursery! We extend a warm welcome to you and your child. It is the desire of this   Ministry to provide an atmosphere of Christian love and security that will draw the hearts of preschoolers toward Christ.
Nursery Ministry

3rd Sunday
9:00 AM

Not Open During The Months of June, July and August

6-weeks old to 4 years of age

Our Nursery Ministry at Work:


Prior to working in this ministry, volunteers must complete the sexual ethics training and undergo a background check. 
The fee is $25. 
We are located on the Lower Level of the Sanctuary and Celeste Bush is the contact person.